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אדני ימלא זאת


Our synagogue exists as a place for Jewish people, in Tyler, Texas, who believe in Yeshua as the Messiah, to worship the G-d of Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya'akov in a corporate setting that is familiar.  We are also open to non-Jewish people who desire to join us in the worship of HaShem.


Service Time - Saturdays-  10AM - 1PM

Oneg -  1PM - 3PM

Torah Study -   3PM - 4:30PM

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Click Here to Join Us Live Every Shabbat at 10AM

Weekly Torah Portions


If you feel led by HaShem, we would appreciate any financial help you could give.  Many blessings and Shalom for your faithfulness to HaShem and your gift to help us continue our ministry in East Texas!

Donations can be mailed to

Adonai Yemaleh Zoht, P.O. Box 9971, Tyler, TX, 75711

Or you can click on the donate button below to donate through PayPal.

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